Thursday, December 4, 2008

Oh joy

Hulk trying finish outlines today--two last topics--in Wills, Rule Against Perpetuities and in Employment Law--ERISA. Two worst things to learn. One messed up law even Supreme Court get wrong. One created because some feudal lord had retarded son. Not really matter which is which. Time to make "Hulk's homemade Prozac."


jerseyaikidogirl said...

When Hulk talks lawyer, Hulk makes no sense. Is that what I sound like when I talk science?

Sue I. said...

What is scientific term for retarded? Lawyer talk no make sense to Hulk either.

jerseyaikidogirl said...

"developmentally delayed"? "law text book"? So many options...actually we used retarded scientifically, but not the way you want to use it.