Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas come early

X-mas come early for Hulk. Was smooshed totally frozen squirrel on front porch. Hulk SO dispose before take picture. Hulk think one of three theories on how squirrel get there.
1. Zero degrees and squirrel freeze to porch.
2. Local cat kill and bring to porch.
3. Hulk's mailman--who hate Hulk (and curse Hulk out) leave there because Hulk no give him xmas present.

Seriously, all three possible.

BTW--Hulk SO throw squirrel in gutter--that seem right but whatever.


Rob Ireton said...

Any of those three could be correct:

1. The squirrel was trying to get inside to get some delicious bourbon balls.

2. The cat was trying to barter for some delicious bourbon balls.

3. The mailman really wanted some delicious bourbon balls.

Anonymous said...

It was me.