Thursday, August 27, 2009

job survey

Hulk apply for job at famous company. They require survey on leadership qualities--maybe groupthink. Questions are a little weird "If a chimpanze, a bear and you were on a team and you had to implement one idea from your group which one would it be?" This complicated Hulk don't like bear's idea involving Hulk getting eaten but maybe he six sigma--who Hulk to judge? But what if chimp's idea was to kill the bear and he had a knife? He look pretty smart too. What if was Hulk's idea to run like hell and let bear eat the chimp would that not make Hulk a "team player?" Safe to say Hulk probably not get interview.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hulk miss you

Hulk not post in a while. But Hulk now realize that Hulk not able to be Hulk on Facebook. How you let these recent status updates go?:
"is proud of Senator Kennedy's legacy. We need more unashamed liberals. May the angels lead you into paradise." (Hulk cut and paste this) If by "angels" you mean whores and "paradise" you mean booze cruise then I think well maybe...if he's lucky.
Here another one: "Renal Ultrasound, baby!" How the hell Hulk supposed to respond to this? Is she proud of the procedure? Excited? How can Hulk "unlearn" this fact?
Also Hulk sick of status update cop outs--song lyrics especially hip-hop which make you even more white.
No one respect the "craft" of the good status update--it ok to take a day off or even two to come up with good one... whew...Hulk feel better now.