Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Help help Hulk being repressed!

Hulk realize one reason why work no fun. Hulk not allowed to be Hulk because is lower than dirt and not aloud to joke much. One partner walk by with all brown outfit on...head to toe--other co-worker says "you're looking very brown today." Hulk really really want to say "What can Brown do for you?" Hulk not say this....Hulk think this a good move career-wise but Hulk die a little bit inside.


Rob Ireton said...

So, Hulk is a peasant in an dictatorship instead of an anarcho-syndicalist commune? Sounds like you need to have a scimitar lobbed at you by a strange woman lying in a pond.

jerseyaikidogirl said...

Hulk needs an Instant Message friend at work to divert all of these career-inappropriate comments to. That's how I survive.