Hulk take easiest law class ever. Is called Interviewing Negotiating and Counseling. Class is like empowerment session with your mom. Reading book is hardest part because seem so basic---here quote, "The primary means of obtaining information during the overview phase of the interview is the posing of a series of questions to the client." Well duh. Here Hulk advice on successful interview:
1. Now matter what client say--don't do spit take.
2. No audible farts.
3. Don't let client see posting on blog while talking.
Only law school would take what is basic social skills thing and turn into class.
Is Blogging Dead?
7 years ago
Teaching future lawyers basic social skills...critical.
Sorry for previous comment. Anonymous's knee-jerk anti-lawyer bias got best of him. All lawyers not dorks, just paid to act that way sometimes...there goes that knee again.
Actually, librarians learn that in school too, only they call it a reference interview.
There are plenty of scientists who could stand a class like that. My director has worse social skills than my four year old nephew.
you could write the book on social skills. I guess Hulk should just be grateful for easy class and being green. Green IS all the rage right now.
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