Tuesday, September 9, 2008

America's most busted pharmacy

Hulk sick get worse. Have to get medicine. Go to pharmacy and they do not want to fill Hulk's 'scrips. Why you ask? The computer system was down between them and insurance company--so they turn people away. One guy mumble something about insulin. Hulk outraged. They have medicine... quit being the insurance company's bitch. They try to pull that crap on Hulk. Hulk say why not call this handy 1-800 number on Hulk insurance card. Duh--does work. Idiots. Hulk get medicine--pay way too much but that another matter.


jerseyaikidogirl said...

Hulk need to talk to friend Amy S. about the healthcare man and why he is evil at times.

Sue I. said...

Hulk talk to Amy--she feel same way--Hulk sister work for health insurance company. She the evildoer. Trust Hulk, you no want to mess with Hulk sister.