Saturday, November 8, 2008


Hulk take bar ethics exam--very good chance Hulk fail. Problem is "smash client" is never one of the options. Have to pick from other--less ideal options. Also--number 2 pencil no stand a chance in meaty Hulk-hand. This did happen--bug flew and hit Hulk on face in middle of exam--this too weird. Why Hulk? Of course, hitting Hulk face stunned bug severely. What are chances of getting hit with bug inside in November?


bryce said...

I'm sooooo sorry I forgot about your book.

If Hulk fail, Bryce owe Hulk much beer (and possibly cost of second test, but not sure if those damages reasonably foreseeable).

Sue I. said...

Hulk no grudge for Bryce--might need favor for unrelated reason.