Sunday, November 23, 2008

Gimme trial anyday

If Hulk ever have doubt about which direction to take--trial lawyer or law professor is no more. Hulk have "final trial" tomorrow. Hulk think getting ready for trial is giant pain in butt. True. Doing trial is kind of fun sometimes. After tomorrow at about 5:30 will be done forever. Hulk's law review article keeps coming back to Hulk one more edit you must do, (add snarky comment from them) it appears will never be done. If this what law professors go through (which Hulk thinks no--are picking on Hulk because is student)then Hulk no want. Bad thing is Hulk getting another article published with co-author professor--Hulk have to do all over again? Hope not will die.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

gymastics time

Hulk need cheer up today...this will do.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Curse of the remaindermen

Hulk think move past "future interests" when take Property exam. Are back--use in trust documents. Hulk not understand them--book say well, when come to reversions just memorize this rule...

O, owner of fee simple, will not have a reversion in fee simple if O transfers a possessory fee simple or a vested remainder in fee simple; in all other cases where O transfers a present possessory interest, O will have a reversion in fee simple.

Sure, no problem...Hulk memorize...

WTF....why not talk simple like Hulk? C'mon....C.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The cult

Ok Hulk become obsessed with this baby stoat. Yes stoat, member of weasel family. Hulk not know why Hulk obsessed with this picture but has become cult of Hulkonality. Hulk not only one--others in cult.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Negotiate on this

Hulk take "negotiation" class. Easy for Hulk. Everyone tell Hulk --Hulk do such a good job--is super easy Hulk always get what Hulk want. Hulk think monkey could do same student lack social skill of monkey.


Hulk take bar ethics exam--very good chance Hulk fail. Problem is "smash client" is never one of the options. Have to pick from other--less ideal options. Also--number 2 pencil no stand a chance in meaty Hulk-hand. This did happen--bug flew and hit Hulk on face in middle of exam--this too weird. Why Hulk? Of course, hitting Hulk face stunned bug severely. What are chances of getting hit with bug inside in November?

Hulk not Anton Chigurh

Hulk not give this picture to hair-dude...why he hate Hulk so much. Maybe Hulk should go Anton Chigurh on him. Haircut failed below what a reasonable person would expect. Negligent haircut.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Hulk not Golem

Hulk get bad haircut. People lie and say look nice. Problem is look exactly like Golem. Hulk not want to look like Golem--Hulk senior composite photo coming--Hulk is not pleased. Might need emergency re-do...have own monster identity. Hulk would at least look better with "the Rachel."