Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hulk smackdown

Hulk coach arbitration team. Is stupid. Hulk not get credit or pay--Hulk stupid. Hulk have to put smack-down on student with head up butt. Students think will win but make whiny excuses about practice. Will not win--guaranteed. Not want it bad enough. Why Hulk care anyway?


Sue I. said...

Also this turned into a "foot in mouth incident" with a professor--awesome!! (Thank God--was resolved) Why Hulk involved?

jerseyaikidogirl said...

What, in the name of all that is good in the universe, is an arbitration team?

Sue I. said...

Arbitration is an informal trial--teams compete in dorky contest with other schools.

jerseyaikidogirl said...

And why on earth do they let HUlk coach?