Monday, March 2, 2009

Freak out

Hulk take class--is not good. Hulk not do good on "mid term." Hulk part of group when "partner" do bad reflects badly on Hulk's grade. Hulk sick this morning--one partner up in front of class today...apparently it not go so well. Hulk is upset. Hulk need class to graduate....Hulk....borderline...despondent... :(


Sue I. said...

Update...turns out Hulk grade only one point beneath median....also heard teacher not like to fail student but does like to scare...Hulk fall into trap...not fair Hulk very nervous-type monster

jerseyaikidogirl said...

But Hulk is almost a graduated monster. Then no more worrying (about school, anyway).

Sue I. said...

You would think....but no.